

  Hi there! I'm Karlan Miller, and in 2019, I started learning about building websites. In March of 2023 I got laid off at my current job, I saw a chance to dive into what I loved: helping businesses phone ring using the internet to get their ideal customer.

From those early websites, I realized I could do more than make them look cool. I could use them to connect businesses with the right people. So, I jumped into full-time marketing, using tools like Facebook Ads, SEO, and Google Ads to get businesses noticed.

At Professional Marketing, our goal is simple: to help local businesses find their ideal customers. We're about more than just making you look good online; we're about making sure the right folks find you. Whether you're a service based business or a small company that wants to expand nationally , we want to connect you with people who love what you do.

My secret sauce? I dig deep into what makes your business special. Then, we use that magic to create websites or Facebook Ads that show off your uniqueness. And we've got your back when it comes to ads and getting attention online. But hey, it's not just about tech stuff; it's about being on your team, understanding what you want, and making it happen.

So, let's team up! We'll help your business by making your phone ring.

Thanks for thinking about Professional Marketing. We can't wait to work with you!


Karlan Miller    Founder, Professional Marketing

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